What to Expect During Drug Rehab in Washington State
One of the hardest things about battling addiction is not recognizing that you have a problem with drugs or drinking — but believing in the possibility of change. Yet, in those moments of holding yourself accountable and admitting that you may need help with a substance abuse problem, the thought of entering drug rehab in […]
Why Do People with PTSD Develop Addiction?
Trauma can have a profound impact on the mind and body. Even a single traumatic event might cause stress reactions like anxiety, becoming physically and emotionally empty, feeling sad, fearful, angry, jumpy, or having trouble coping and moving on. These reactions are normal, and most people begin to feel better within a few weeks. But […]
Drug Detox: What It Is, How It Works, and Why It’s Crucial for Recovery
Seeking treatment for a drug or substance abuse disorder is an empowering step to recovery. It takes a lot of bravery and self-awareness to admit that you have an addiction and it’s time for a change in your life, and drug detox during rehab is the proactive way to make that happen. The initial step […]
How Long Does It Take to Get Addicted to Alcohol?
Alcohol use disorder remains one of the most pervasive since alcohol is an acceptable, legal substance that’s also highly addictive. A drink at dinner with family, out at a bar or restaurant with friends, or just to unwind in the evening is part of our social fabric, almost expected — yet so easy to become […]
Does Parental Substance Abuse Affect Children?
Children and families rely on their parents as protectors and providers of unconditional love and support. Shaping a child’s identity and development relies on mothers and fathers remaining good role models to them, from infancy through adulthood. But when parental substance abuse becomes a persistent, problematic presence, addiction is felt by everyone, becoming a negative […]
Trust a Treatment Center for Crystal Meth Detox
There are a myriad of reasons why someone might start using stimulants, especially methamphetamines, also called crystal meth. Crystal meth detox isn’t only about physical detoxification. It’s a necessary first step before embarking on a healing journey to recovery, with the help of professional guidance, to understand the underlying reasons for using it and knowing […]
How a Substance Abuse Counselor Could Be Key to Recovery
If you are struggling with substance abuse, counseling can be a great tool in your recovery. A licensed substance abuse counselor can help you understand your addiction to alcohol and drugs and where it stems from. At Spokane Heights, our therapists work with you to build the skills and coping mechanisms you need to maintain […]
What Is Psilocybin Mushroom Tea?
Magic mushrooms have been a popular substance of use for years. In many cases, people often use these “shrooms” in baked goods, pill form, and powders. One particularly popular method of use is drinking psilocybin mushroom tea. Like any mind-altering substance, it is important to know exactly what mushroom tea is and how it can […]
Does Substance Abuse Counseling Take a Long Time?
For those who struggle with addiction, the thought of seeking counseling for substance abuse can be intimidating. In particular, they may have questions about how long this process can last. If you are wondering how long counseling for drugs can take, the experts at Spokane Heights Detox can help. We work with you to build […]
Avoid the Drug Tranq: Xylazine Wounds and Skin Conditions
As the so-called “tranq” drug becomes more prevalent, people are beginning to discover the consequences of this substance. One of the many negative effects tranq use can have is xylazine wounds. These xylazine-induced skin ulcers are a byproduct of the illicit drug being abused. Tranq drug wounds are one of the biggest issues people find […]