Why Do People with PTSD Develop Addiction?
Trauma can have a profound impact on the mind and body. Even a single traumatic event might cause stress reactions like anxiety, becoming physically and emotionally drained, feeling sad, fearful, angry, easily startled, or having trouble coping and moving on. These reactions are normal, and most people begin to feel better within a few weeks. […]
Drug Detox: What It Is, How It Works, and Why It’s Crucial for Recovery
Seeking treatment for a drug or substance abuse disorder is an empowering step to recovery. It takes a lot of bravery and self-awareness to admit that you have an addiction and it’s time for a change in your life, and drug detox during rehab is the proactive way to make that happen. The initial step […]
How Long Does It Take to Get Addicted to Alcohol?
Alcohol use disorder remains one of the most pervasive since alcohol is an acceptable, legal substance that’s also highly addictive. A drink at dinner with family, out at a bar or restaurant with friends, or just to unwind in the evening is part of our social fabric, almost expected — yet so easy to become […]
Does Parental Substance Abuse Affect Children?
Children and families rely on their parents as protectors and providers of unconditional love and support. Shaping a child’s identity and development relies on mothers and fathers remaining good role models to them, from infancy through adulthood. But when parental substance abuse becomes a persistent, problematic presence, addiction is felt by everyone, becoming a negative […]
Avoid the Drug Tranq: Xylazine Wounds and Skin Conditions
As the so-called “tranq” drug becomes more prevalent, people are beginning to discover the consequences of this substance. One of the many negative effects tranq use can have is xylazine wounds. These xylazine-induced skin ulcers are a byproduct of the illicit drug being abused. Tranq drug wounds are one of the biggest issues people find […]
Empowering Families: Your Guide to Effective Interventions
Interventions are a tried and true method of helping loved ones realize their problematic behavior. If you are planning an intervention for a loved one, it is important to know what to expect and how to approach this situation. At Spokane Heights, we understand how difficult holding an addiction intervention can be. Our compassionate and […]
5 Reasons to Try Rehab in Washington State
If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, choosing to seek treatment can make all the difference in the journey to recovery. When it comes to rehab, Washington State offers a wealth of options. Here are five compelling reasons to take this important first step toward sobriety. What Is Rehab in Washington State? […]
Which Addiction Rehabilitation Centers in Washington State Can Help?
The addiction and mental health crisis has spread rapidly throughout the nation, with substance abuse now occurring at an alarming rate in Washington State. As a result, the state has made extensive efforts to combat the rise of addiction within its communities. Washington State offers an expansive array of addiction rehabilitation centers and treatment options […]
New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Your Mental Health
As we move into the new year, many people find themselves wanting to make 2024 resolutions to become happier and healthier versions of themselves. With the country still facing an unprecedented mental health crisis, it can be helpful for you and your loved ones to make New Year’s resolutions for the betterment of your mental […]
What Is Super Meth from Mexico?
After drug legislation cracked down on public access to ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, illicit meth producers had to find new ways of producing this drug. As a result, a more potent and powerful version of this drug, known as “super meth,” has become available. Although most of the meth labs in the U.S. have gone out […]